Youth Summer Camps 2016 (ages 12-17)

We are pretty excited to be hosting 4 different youth summer camps in July and August 2016. We will be sharing our knowledge of art, science, history and team building with developing young minds through a week long glass blowing camp.  Throughout this program students 12-17 year olds will get hands on experience with a variety of glass techniques including glassblowing, glass painting and glass fusion. Each day the students will use their own inspiration and creativity to complete one project.

We have 2 five day camps in July located in the communities of Cranston and New Brighton and 2 five day camps in August located in the communities of Strathcona and Mahogany. please see our events page for more information. We look forward to teaching young bright minds!!

Check out our events page for details, or go directly to our classes page to register!


Glass House Xperience

Glass House was created so we can share the glass love, our mission is to travel  across Canada and beyond. We work with schools, festivals, students, clients, communities and more. Working one on one or as a team we are able to fill the world with knowledge of this beautiful memorizing ancient art.

Appreciation For Mother's Everywhere


Joe Kelly Recorded a Cool Video of our Show at the New Edward Gallery